
Do Louder Motorcycles Increase Safety? 

May 23, 2023 | Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists on the roadway, especially when it comes to ensuring safety. Motorcycles are much smaller than traditional passenger vehicles, so when a collision occurs, it can lead to significant injuries for those operating the motorcycle. One notion that has persisted is that louder exhaust pipes are safer for motorcyclists. However, that is not the case…. read more

How Do Truck Accidents Happen?

March 30, 2023 | Truck Accidents

Accidents involving larger commercial trucks often result in significant injuries for those involved. Even though commercial truck activity is strictly regulated by both state and federal authorities, these incidents are not uncommon. Here, we want to review some of the most common causes of truck accidents in Texas. Examining Crash Data – Common Truck Crash… read more

What Makes Truck Accidents More Dangerous Than Car Crashes?

March 30, 2023 | Truck Accidents

Any vehicle accident has the potential for serious injuries and property damage, but this is particularly true for accidents involving larger trucks on the roadway. Incidents involving vehicles heavier than the average passenger car how much more likely to cause catastrophic injuries that lead to long-lasting consequences for drivers and passengers in smaller vehicles. Here,… read more

How Much is My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim Worth?

February 21, 2023 | Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists often sustain significant injuries in accidents caused by the negligent actions of other drivers. Unfortunately, motorcycle crash victims regularly struggle to recover fair compensation. However, by working with a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer, individuals are often able to recover the money they need for their medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other expenses…. read more

What Is Modified Comparative Negligence in Texas?

October 18, 2022 | Car Accidents

When a person sustains an injury caused by the negligence of another, the injury victim should be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, recovering compensation can get a little bit tricky when there are allegations of shared fault. It is not uncommon for there to be more than one party at fault for… read more

Can Concert Organizers Be Held Responsible For Injuries in Texas?

August 31, 2022 | Personal Injury

Ever since the Astroworld Festival crowd tragedy in Houston, TX, in November of 2021, concert and tour safety has been on people’s minds. However, this was certainly not the first major concert disaster, and it is important to understand whether or not concert organizers can be held responsible for any injuries or fatalities that occur… read more

What is Contributory Fault In Texas?

July 25, 2022 | Personal Injury

After an individual sustains an injury, it is crucial to determine fault so that individuals can recover compensation if they are entitled to it. However, there are times when more than one party shares fault for an incident. Different states around the country handle shared fault in various ways, namely through a comparative negligence or… read more

Is It Illegal To Wear Headphones While Driving In Texas?

July 25, 2022 | Car Accidents

One of the main contributors to vehicle accidents in Texas and throughout the country is distracted driving. One major type of distraction that individuals often do not discuss is wearing headphones while driving. Here, we want to discuss the dangers that occur when a person wears headphones when they are operating a motor vehicle as… read more

Are Punitive Damages Available For Injury Claims in Texas?

June 23, 2022 | Personal Injury

There are various types of compensation that may be available through a personal injury claim in Texas. The first of these is compensatory damages, which revolve around medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. The second type of damages is called exemplary damages, often referred to as punitive damages. These damages are available… read more

Property Damage & Car Accidents in Texas

June 15, 2022 | Car Accidents

It is not uncommon for a car accident to result in both personal injuries and property damage. The reality is that a crash is much more likely to cause property damage than injuries, but every incident should be thoroughly examined to determine what types of compensation a person is entitled to after a crash occurs…. read more