Category: Motorcycle Accidents

How Does An Injury From A Motorcycle Accident Affect Your Life?

February 13, 2025 | Motorcycle Accidents

The intensity of a motorcycle accident can result in outcomes ranging from minor injuries like bruises and broken bones to severe and lasting consequences that can significantly impact your life. If the other person involved was at fault, an Austin motorcycle accident attorney can discuss your legal options. What Ways Can a Motorcycle Accident Injury… read more

How Do Motorcycle Accidents Happen In Austin?

January 30, 2024 | Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are, unfortunately, relatively common in Texas. Each year, hundreds of people lose their lives, and thousands sustain serious injuries as a result of motorcycle collisions on Texas roadways. These incidents occur due to a wide variety of reasons, including negligent actions of drivers on the roadway. Additionally, motorcyclists are more susceptible to hazardous… read more

Do Louder Motorcycles Increase Safety? 

May 23, 2023 | Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists on the roadway, especially when it comes to ensuring safety. Motorcycles are much smaller than traditional passenger vehicles, so when a collision occurs, it can lead to significant injuries for those operating the motorcycle. One notion that has persisted is that louder exhaust pipes are safer for motorcyclists. However, that is not the case…. read more

How Much is My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim Worth?

February 21, 2023 | Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists often sustain significant injuries in accidents caused by the negligent actions of other drivers. Unfortunately, motorcycle crash victims regularly struggle to recover fair compensation. However, by working with a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer, individuals are often able to recover the money they need for their medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other expenses…. read more

Can I Get Compensation for Road Rash in a Texas Motorcycle Accident?

March 28, 2022 | Motorcycle Accidents

Road rash is one of the most common injuries that occur as a result of a motorcycle accident. Any individual who sustains a road rash injury in a motorcycle crash caused by the actions of another driver in Texas should be able to recover compensation for their losses. Here, we want to discuss the compensation… read more

Do I Need Motorcycle Insurance To Ride a Motorcycle in Texas?

September 1, 2021 | Motorcycle Accidents

There are plenty of motorcyclists in the state of Texas. This state offers plenty of great riding areas, but it is crucial for motorcycle owners to understand their obligations before they hit the roadway. One of these obligations is ensuring that they have motorcycle insurance in place before they start their engines. Here, we want… read more

Do I Have To Wear a Helmet On a Motorcycle in Texas?

September 1, 2021 | Motorcycle Accidents

Riding a motorcycle can be a freeing and exhilarating experience, but it does come with risks. Even though the vast majority of motorcycle rides on accident-free, the reality is that severe injuries can occur in the event a collision does happen on the roadway. Helmets are proven to be the best way to reduce the… read more