What Are Common Causes of Rear-End Car Accidents in Texas?
April 26, 2022 | Car Accidents
Rear-end accidents are more than just an inconvenience. When a person gets rear-ended, they could sustain significant injuries as well as plenty of property damage. Here, we want to review some of the most common causes of rear-end accidents. With this information, you may be able to take the steps necessary to prevent these incidents from occurring by practicing defensive driving and getting yourself away from situations where a rear-end collision is likely to occur.
How Do Rear End Crashes Occur?
Rear-end car accidents in Austin occur in a wide variety of ways throughout our area, including the following:
- Tailgating. Every driver on the roadway is supposed to leave enough space between themselves and any vehicles in front of them to react to any changing conditions. Following other vehicles too closely is simply a recipe for disaster and is very likely to cause rear-end accidents.
- Distracted driving. Drivers distracted by phones, food or beverages, their radio, others in their vehicles, and anything else are much more likely not to notice changing conditions in front of them.
- Speeding. Driving over the speed limit or too fast for current roadway conditions is likely to lead to rear-end accidents. When drivers speed, they will not have enough time to slow down or stop before impacting vehicles in front of them.
- Hazardous conditions. There are various types of hazardous conditions that can lead to an increase in rear-end accidents, including heavy rain, fog, ice, sleet, and more. Additionally, driving at night could also be considered a hazardous condition if individuals do not pay more attention to their surroundings.

What are Typical Injuries Suffered in a Rear-End Accident?
Individuals involved in rear-end collisions can suffer from a range of injuries. Even though airbags and seatbelts help to reduce the amount of movement our bodies undergo when an impact occurs, these incidents can still lead to the following:
- Whiplash. The mechanism of a rear-end collision can cause our bodies to be jolted forward and backward rapidly. When the head and neck experience this sudden back and forth movement, this can affect the tendons, muscles, and ligaments in those areas.
- Concussions. That concussion can occur anytime our head strikes another object or is jerked back and forth rapidly. When the brain jostles around inside the skull, this can lead to bruising and affect underlying tissue.
- Spinal cord trauma. Any sudden impact on the body can lead to damage to the spinal cord, the vertebrae, or the discs between each vertebra. Spinal cord injuries could lead to temporary or permanent partial or complete paralysis.
What Can I Do After a Rear-End Accident in Texas?
If you or somebody you love has been involved in a rear-end accident, there are simple steps that you can take to help ensure your well-being and that you recover compensation for your losses. This includes:
- Dialing 911 to ensure that police come to the scene and conduct an investigation.
- Gathering as much information as possible. This concludes using a cell phone to take photographs and jotting down the names and contact information of any eyewitnesses and other drivers involved.
- Seeking immediate medical care for any injuries you may have sustained, even if you do not feel any pain right away.
- Reaching out to a skilled Austin car accident attorney who can help with every aspect of your claim, including negotiating with aggressive insurance carriers to recover the compensation you need.